Scottish Corridor campaign 2022 Main Page

Continuing from Operation Martlet, we move on to the Scottish Corridor. The Scottish Corridor campaign is a bit special in that it is two simultaneous mini-campaigns. The attack from the west by Kampfgruppe Weidinger and the attack from the east by Kampfgruppe Frey.

Scotts caught between a rock and a hard place...

Campaign Overview

The Germans attack from the west with Kampfgruppe Weidinger and from the east with Kampfgruppe Frey. They have somewhat different support available -  Weidinger has Panthers and flamethrowers, Frey has Tiger Is and Panzer IVs.

With Operation Martlet ending in a major German victory, the Germans have three platoons in Kampfgruppe Weidinger and two platoons in Kampfgruppe Frey.

The British have, as far as the campaign is concerned, unlimited manpower, and have a fresh platoon in every battle. They are not immune to losses though, and have to keep track of the men's opinion. They have reasonable support with one major issue - no 17pdr except Firefly Shermans

House rules etc

  • We use the same house rules as in Operation Martlet (found here) with the addition that
  • No Flammpanzer III. We can find no evidence that any where there at the time, it is also a bit overpowered. We nerfed it last time we played the campaign and it still dominated.
  • Flamethrowers do not do 2x shock on vehicles beyond half range. I.e. 2x shock up to 6", normal shock up to 12".
  • We keep separate track of opinion for the two German kampfgruppes.

The forces involved:

British Forces

The British can call on Stuarts and Shermans (including Fireflies) as support.

  • Platoon HQ:
    • Lieutenant, Senior Leader, pistol 
    • Platoon Sergeant, Senior Leader, SMG
    • PIAT team, 2 man
    • 2” mortar team, 2 man
  • Sections 1-3, each with:
    • Corporal, Junior Leader, SMG
    • Bren Team Bren LMG and 3 crew
    • Rifle team, six riflemen

German Forces

The Germans have no lack of heavy support. Panzers of all kinds and even flamethrowers.

  • Platoon HQ
    • Obersharfürer, Senior Leader, SMG
    • Three panzerfaust 30
  • Squads 1-3, each with:
    • Scharfürer, Junior Leader, SMG
    • LMG team, MG42 with three crew, one rifleman 
    • LMG team, MG42 with three crew, one rifleman 



  1. I really like the look of those M5 Staurts..

    Looking forward to this, cool stuff!

    1. Thanks, they are actually painted as US even if it is hard to see from that angle. :-P

      Report 1 coming very soon!

  2. Yeah? Doesn´t matter, cute light tanks.. ;)


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