Operation Martlet House Rules

House Rules 

These are the house rules/advanced rules we use in the campaign.

Two AVsRE? Now that's not proper cricket! Time for Jerry to fall back or suffer the consequences.

9. Infantry Fire

9.2 Hand grenades

Hand grenades against trenches
  • If the total rolled is greater than the range in inches, the target unit takes 2 hits as if in Light Cover. 
  • If it's still greater after subtracting 4, the target instead takes 3 hits with no cover.

10. Support Weapons Fire

10.3 Off-Table Mortars

The off table mortar battery is too predictable. 

Every time a battery is activated in accordance with Step 3 (10.3), after shifting the aiming point roll a D6. Add +2 if the Observer does not have line of sight to the new aiming point. 

  • On a roll of 1 or 2 the aiming point stays in place.
  • On a roll of 3, 4 or 5 it deviates 1D6 inches as in Step Two
  • On a roll of 6 it deviates 2D6 inches.
  • On a roll of 7+ it deviates 3D6 inches.

17. Advanced rules

Unit Activation (page 70 main rulebook)

The leader needs to be either with a unit (within 4") or within command (6"/9") and within Line of Sight to command a unit.

Targeting and buildings (page 70 main rulebook)

See full description on page 70 of the main rulebook.

Snipers ignore this rule.

Appendix B National Army Lists

Great Britain

AVRE main gun

Modifications based on the Consolidated Arsenal document, discussions on the TFL forum and our own opinions.
  • The main gun has a maximum range of 30”. 
  • The main gun must be reloaded between shots. 
    • To reload the Gunner must be activated as if firing the main gun.
    • The same restrictions to movement applies when reloading as when firing.
  • The main gun can not target vehicles that moved with more than 1D6 in the last or current phase. 
  • When rolling to hit a vehicle, roll 2D6 and apply the modifiers in Step One of the Firing Procedure (12.1) with an additional -2 if the target vehicle moved. 
    • If the score is equal to or more than the roll required in Step Two, resolve the hit as usual. 
    • A score of 5 or more but less than the roll required to hit the target represents a close miss, in Step Three, the target vehicle counts each 3, 4, 5 or 6 rolled as a save.

Operation Martlet PSC rules

Entrenchment for AFV

Must be placed in concealment or without line of sight from enemy troops.


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