Probe into Fontenay, June 25th, 04:00

This is the first battle in our Operation Martlet campaign

The mission is Probe with the British as attacker. The British win if they can exit a team of the German board edge. 

This battle has the potential to be very chaotic so both sides plan is probably to be opportunistic and take what they can get and (first and foremost) to not mess up. 

Map of the battlefield, Each square is 12".

Aerial photo of the battlefield

Special rules and conditions

Severe morning mist requires British units to roll 4+ to enter. If a unit fails it may try again the next game turn. If it fails a second time it is lost in the mist and can not participate in this game.

Heavy British pre-game barrage requires German units to roll 5+ to enter. If they fail they can try again the next phase as normal.

If the British do not win all Patrol Markers are left in place as they where, i.e. the next time the British attempt the mission again, no Patrol Phase is played.


British platoon

The British platoon starts at full strength. CO's and the Men's opinion are neutral, Own opinion at Cheerful.

British Support (13 points)

  • AVRE (7)
  • Forward observer & 3" mortar battery (4)
  • Light 2" mortar (2)

German platoon

The German platoon starts at full strength. CO's and the Men's opinion are neutral, Own opinion at Relaxed.

German Support (6 points)

  • 4 Entrenchments (4)
  • Adjutant (1)
  • Panzerfaust (1)

Patrol Phase

The German player placed their patrols more towards their left flank to prevent the British from flanking them through the protective terrain there. The British player tried to take advantage of this and pushed the patrols up rapidly on his left flank, almost achieving a jump off point by the farmhouse, but not quite (I got four pre game moves but scored lower on morale).

British patrol moves in blue, german in red.

Jump Off Points

British Jump Off Points

The British place one JOP as near to the farmhouse as possible. The goal is to move into the house, wait for fire support from the AVRE or 3" mortars and then proceed forward. Alternatively hide in the house/wall corner if the house risks coming under heavy fire. 

The other two JOPs are there to give support if needed or be far back enough if the Germans manage to seize the forward JOP

German Jump Off Points

The Germans deploy one JOP forward and one back vs the main British advance to be able to defend in depth. The third JOP is in a protected enfilade position that allows for flexible deployment.

The Battle

The British start the battle with Force Morale 8, the Germans with Force Morale 10.

Early game

The British have some serious issues with the morning mist. Most units can not find their way to the battlefield, including the AVRE and the light mortar for laying smoke. The 2nd section under Cpl Brown deploy towards the farmhouse to start the advance hoping the Germans have similar issues. They throw a smoke grenade as cover. The Germans manage to deploy Scharfürer Wegner's squad entrenched on the other flank and open fire. Cpl Brown is injured.

Wegner's entrenched squad opens fire vs the British in the distance

Cpl Brown's section takes casualties despite range and smoke

Cpl Brown orders his section into the house, three men don't make it and are left exposed just outside. Cpl Smith deploys, gives covering fire and throws more smoke. This is not quite enough and the riflemen who did not get into the building take further casualties and Cpl Brown is knocked unconscious trying to rally them. Shock is mounting on his section.

Cpl Brown's section moves into the house (almost) and Cpl Smith's section deploys

Cpl Smith orders the rifles to fire suppressive fire and throws a smoke grenade

There are some lulls in the fighting (the British ended the turn with a CoC dice to be able to roll again for the forces lost in the mist and then promptly rolled three sixes on the CoC dice). The British actually considered withdrawing when the AVRE didn't make it to the table initially but decided to push on.

Mid game

The British sigh in relief as the AVRE arrives. Nothing good lasts forever of course, and Scharführer Zeitzler's Pz IV gets through the bombardment and moves forward, fires and misses.

Finally! We almost got lost even with a road to follow...

Achtung! Panzer!

The AVRE moves up to the entrenched German section and opens fire, causing some damage and shock and wounding Scharfürer Wegner. Zeitzler's Pz IV moves up a bit further, gets an open shot forcing the AVRE to fall back in confusion.

Take that, Jerry!

You're in trouble now, Tommy...

One net hit...

A 6 on the result. 2 shock and fall back 2D6".

Late game

The British deploy Plt Sgt Scott, Cpl Wilson's section and the mortar observer to put pressure on the lone entrenched German squad. 

All eggs in one basket in the open. What could possibly go wrong?

The medium mortars start bombarding the flanking German squad. They get some effect but the German player ends the turn, ending the bombardment. 

Mortar bombardment that ends just as quickly as it started.

Then the Germans deploy Obersharfürer Weiss and Unterscharführer Frey's squad in the same position and both squads open up with devastating fire. Both Plt Sgt Scott and Cpl Wilson are injured.

Full auto fire from two panzergrenadier squads. Devastating even at long range.

British withdrawal

The British platoon withdraws with Force Morale 3. The Germans are at Force Morale 9.

Post Battle



A total of 11 casualties is split into 5 who never return, 3 who miss next game and 3 who return next game.

Cpl Wilson's platoon was pinned. Four out of five remaining men are captured. Cpl Wilson himself (who was wounded and unconscious) misses next turn, undoubtedly being carried to safety by the only private who was not captured. Quite heroic but doubtful if any medals will be in order considering the unit will want to forget this debacle as soon as possible...

  • 5 KIA
  • 3 WIA (i.e. misses next campaign turn)
  • 4 Captured
  • 1 Junior Leader (Wilson) dispersed (i.e. misses next campaign turn)


  • CO's Opinion: -1
  • Own Opinion: Relaxed
  • Men's Opinion: -3 

Lessons learned

Deploy of the infantry more cautiously. Wait for the light mortar to lay smoke on the German flanking position and the AVRE to move up before deploying in the open. 



None. The Germans keep the field and are able to patch up any injured.


  • CO's Opinion: +1
  • Own Opinion: Cheerful
  • Men's Opinion: +2


  1. Spännande. :) kan inte reglerna, får ordna det, så inte alltid lätt att förstå vad vissa taktiker speltekniskt baserar sig på. Men det är kul läsning! Snyggt slagfält och kul avatarer!
    Skall läsa resten med!

  2. Tackar! Ja, vi kör det avsiktligt lite mer översiktligt utan att gå i detalj på varje runda, tärningsrull och beslut så det är ingen bra intro till spelet egentligen. Lite mer av en online dagbok och kanske kul att läsa för den som själv spelar spelet.

    Men kul att det var kul att läsa, det kommer definitivt mera! Vi jobbar så sakta på att få terrängen bättre och bättre. Min motspelare jobbar mycket på den biten faktiskt med historiska foton och goggle maps. :-)


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