Operation Martlet British Forces

The campaign consists of two parts - the securing of the road through Fontenay and the push to Rauray. The 11th Scots Fusiliers are leading the attack for the first part and will be switched out for the 7th Duke of Wellington’s Regiment for the later part. Each will be represented by a British rifle platoon. When the 1st platoon is no longer able to continue it will be switched out for the 2nd platoon.

A British section spots some Germans in the distance

Rifle platoon, 11th Scots Fusiliers

The platoon for the first part of the campaign.

Platoon HQ

Lieutenant D. Stuart
Colonial boy from the subcontinent. Certainly adds colour to the Mess!

        Platoon Sergeant S. Scott
        A farm boy with the mud still on his boots

  • Lieutenant Stuart, Senior Leader, pistol 
  • Platoon Sergeant Scott, Senior Leader, SMG
  • PIAT team, 2 man
  • 2” mortar team, 2 man

Section 1

            Corporal Wilson
            A grease monkey in civvy street, he can strip an engine in no time at all
  • Corporal Wilson, Junior Leader, SMG
  • Bren Team Bren LMG and 3 crew
  • Rifle team, six riflemen

Section 2

            Corporal Brown
            A door to door salesman. Brushes, mops, dusters, you’re the housewife’s best friend
  • Corporal Brown, Junior Leader, SMG
  • Bren Team Bren LMG and 3 crew
  • Rifle team, six riflemen

Section 3

  Corporal Smith
            A farm boy with the mud still on his boots. From the same village as Sgt Scott.
  • Corporal Smith, Junior Leader, SMG
  • Bren Team Bren LMG and 3 crew
  • Rifle team, six riflemen


Rifle platoon, 7th Duke of Wellington's Regiment

The platoon for the second half of the campaign.

Platoon HQ

Lt Featherstone
From a long standing military family. Went to Bishop Wordsworth's COE Grammar School and then joined the family regiment. The CO is very pleased to see him in the mess and has arranged it so that all his NCO's are quite senior with lots of experience and common sense in order to hopefully not have to give bad news to Lt Featherstone's family...

Platoon Sergeant Yates
A colonial from New Zeeland. A tough man in a tough world who knows how to look after himself.
  • Lieutenant Featherstone, Senior Leader, pistol 
  • Platoon Sergeant Yates, Senior Leader, SMG
  • PIAT team, 2 man
  • 2” mortar team, 2 man

Section 1

Corporal Barker
A pre-war regular who has seen the world.
  • Corporal Barker, Junior Leader, SMG
  • Bren Team Bren LMG and 3 crew
  • Rifle team, six riflemen

Section 2

Corporal Grant
A factory worker.

  • Corporal Grant, Junior Leader, SMG
  • Bren Team Bren LMG and 3 crew
  • Rifle team, six riflemen

Section 3

Corporal Bath
A farm boy with mud still on his boots.
  • Corporal Bath, Junior Leader, SMG
  • Bren Team Bren LMG and 3 crew
  • Rifle team, six riflemen


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