
Showing posts from July, 2022

Striking St Nicholas, June 26th, 12:00

After successfully taking the "Hauptkampflinie", the British push on towards St Nicholas Farm. The time table is tight but there is still hope to snatch something resembling victory from the jaws of defeat. The problem is that the Germans are guarding those jaws with MG42:s and panzerfausts... The AVREs "Hannibal" and "Hasdrubal" approach St Nicholas' Farm. Bavarian beer and "Riesen" sweets in the distance... Both sides have fresh platoons. The Germans switch automatically when pushed back from the Hauptkampflinie, the British voluntarily since the first platoon had taken such horrendous casualties and morale was very low. This is the eighth battle of our  Operation Martlet campaign . The mission is Attack and Defend. The British win if they can force the Germans to withdraw while keeping the British Force Morale at 3 or higher. The view from the other side of the hill... From III Battalion’s headquarters at St Nicholas farm, the platoons sen...

Attack the Hauptkampflinie, June 26th, 08:00

The British make their assault on the main German defence lines, the "Hauptkampflinie" as they call it. The previous campaign turn was not a proper battle, the Germans fell back since they viewed the position as less ideal and thought they had a much better chance of success defending the main line i.e. Hauptkampflinie. This is the seventh battle of our Operation Martlet campaign . The mission is Attack on an Objective. The British win if they can force the Germans to withdraw.  If pushed back the German platoon will be retired for a fresh one, so they are prepared to Do or Die to stop the British. The British objective is to help them achieve the second but not the first of those... The chateau seen from the British lines. Forces The bagpiper watches the enemy lines from a reasonably safe spot behind a line of trees. British platoon The British platoon looks as follows at the start of the battle Lt Stuart Plt sgt Scott Light Mortar Piat 1st Section, Cpl Wilson, Full strength...

Pushing On - Again, June 26th, 04:00

The British make a second attempt at scenario 2 in the Operation Martlet campaign . This time they really need to make it work, no matter the cost.  However, the Germans take stock of the situation and don't really see how they can achieve any reasonable success without significant risk of failure. They decide to fall back to the Hauptkampflinie and make a final, do or die, stand. The British don't know if they should be worried or relieved and push forward with some trepidation. The centre of the battlefield viewed from the British side Forces British platoon The platoon is quite battered from last time. 8 permanent losses and 3 who are recuperating. Opinion CO's opinion: -5. -1 to Force Support. Own opinion: Prickly. -1 to Force Morale. Mens opinion: -5. -1 to Force Morale. German platoon The Germans are doing quite well, except for the earlier loss of the Panzer IV.  2 men as permanent losses from before, and one man recuperating this battle, for a total of 3 men down. O...