Pushing On - Again, June 26th, 04:00

The British make a second attempt at scenario 2 in the Operation Martlet campaign. This time they really need to make it work, no matter the cost. 

However, the Germans take stock of the situation and don't really see how they can achieve any reasonable success without significant risk of failure. They decide to fall back to the Hauptkampflinie and make a final, do or die, stand.

The British don't know if they should be worried or relieved and push forward with some trepidation.

The centre of the battlefield viewed from the British side


British platoon

The platoon is quite battered from last time. 8 permanent losses and 3 who are recuperating.


  • CO's opinion: -5. -1 to Force Support.
  • Own opinion: Prickly. -1 to Force Morale.
  • Mens opinion: -5. -1 to Force Morale.

German platoon

The Germans are doing quite well, except for the earlier loss of the Panzer IV.  2 men as permanent losses from before, and one man recuperating this battle, for a total of 3 men down.


  • CO's opinion: +1. +1 to Force Support.
  • Own opinion: Merry.
  • Mens opinion: +4. +1 to Force Morale.

Post Battle

Ok, there was no battle, but the mood of some of the participants is affected by the lull in the fighting. A welcome rest for the troops, no doubt.


Eleven permanent casualties going into battle 7 on map 3. The point when it's time to retire the platoon and let the Duke of Wellington's take over is approaching but is not quite here yet. 


  • CO's Opinion: Down from -5 to -3. Still -1 to Force Support.
  • Own Opinion: Up from Prickly to Droll. No effect on Force Morale.
  • Men's Opinion: Unchanged at -5. -1 to Force Morale.


Two permanent casualties, and the Panzer of course. 


  • CO's Opinion: Unchanged at +4. +1 to Support points. 
  • Own Opinion: Unchanged at Merry.
  • Men's Opinion: Improved from +4 to +5. +1 Force Morale.


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