
Showing posts from May, 2022

3rd Probe into Fontenay, June 25th, 12:00

The mid day sun shines on an orchard in Normandy. Will the British be successful in their 3rd attempt at bypassing the German position? This is the third battle in our Operation Martlet campaign , and also the third time the British attempt to probe the German lines at Fontenay. The British have failed in the previous two attempts, will they be successful the third time around? The British plan Third time's a charm, right? The morning mist has cleared while our artillery bombardment is as heavy as ever.  The AVRE will advance towards the entrenched positions and shell the Germans there. If the Panzer IV shows up again we will smoke it with the light mortar. This might tempt it forward into PIAT or AVRE range. We will then deploy the infantry, engage or avoid enemy positions and get a team past the German lines.  Forces British platoon The British platoon looks as follows at the start of the battle: Lt Stuart Plt Sgt Scott Lt Mortar Piat Section 1, Cpl Wilson, full strength Se...

2nd Probe into Fontenay, June 25th, 08:00

What nasty surprises could Jerry have in store for us this time.... Only time will tell. This is the second battle in our  Operation Martlet campaign . The British failed at the first attempt .  Once again the mission is Probe with the British as attacker. The British win if they can exit a team of the German board edge. The special rules, including the morning mist, are still in effect as described in the previous post. The British plan The plan is still to take a cautions approach, perhaps even more cautious this time. The objective is not to win necessarily, but take few losses and maybe cause some losses to the Germans or even advance a JOP. Orders are to withdraw if things start looking like they can go bad. Don’t lose men or JOPs and try to get the men’s opinion to improve by not taking casualties. Forces British platoon The British platoon took some losses and enter battle with the following: Lt Stuart Plt Sgt Scott Lt Mortar Piat Section 2, Cpl Brown, full strength Sec...

Probe into Fontenay, June 25th, 04:00

This is the first battle in our  Operation Martlet campaign .  The mission is Probe with the British as attacker. The British win if they can exit a team of the German board edge.  This battle has the potential to be very chaotic so both sides plan is probably to be opportunistic and take what they can get and (first and foremost) to not mess up.  Map of the battlefield, Each square is 12". Aerial photo of the battlefield Special rules and conditions Severe morning mist requires British units to roll 4+ to enter. If a unit fails it may try again the next game turn. If it fails a second time it is lost in the mist and can not participate in this game. Heavy British pre-game barrage requires German units to roll 5+ to enter. If they fail they can try again the next phase as normal. If the British do not win all Patrol Markers are left in place as they where, i.e. the next time the British attempt the mission again, no Patrol Phase is played. Forces British platoon The ...