
Showing posts from August, 2024

Bloody Bucket campaign page

After some inactivity it’s time to kick off another campaign - this time Bloody Bucket!   Detailed battle reports are a bit too much effort so this is going to be more of an online campaign diary/notebook… House Rules As usual we re making some modifications to the rules to suit our preferences. Modifications to the Bloody Bucket campaign rules German platoons We have rolled up all the platoons in advance and just randomise which one appears in Area A at the start of each turn from 2 onwards. Platoon 1 the starting platoon on turn 1. Modifications to the Chain of Command rules 4.3.1 Deploying from Jump-Off Points Vehicles that are forced to deploy off road (no road or road blocked) need to roll +4 to deploy. 9.2 Hand grenades Hand grenades against trenches.  If the total rolled is greater than the range in inches, the target unit takes 2 hits as if in Light Cover. If it's still greater after subtracting 4, the target instead takes 3 hits with no cover. Rifle grenades The US has acc